Video Player

Video players are commonly used across the web. The options are to use a library (like ReactPlayer), the player of video hosting platforms (YouTube embedded player), or the native HTML <video /> tag.

Whatever solution you choose, a video player requires complex logic to handle:

  • Video chunks not coming in time
  • Mouse, keyboard, and touch controls, as well as the device’s native controls you don’t control
  • Differences in UX interactions between device types

As for any complex logic, state machines shine, making the implementation more robust.

The UI and the UX of this example are based on the video players of and YouTube. The UI inspiration mainly comes from


Big Buck Bunny



Here are a few ideas of things you can test:

  • Throttle your network in your browser’s devtools.
  • Test on a desktop, tablet, and mobile device. The UX should be different based on whether your device supports hovering elements.
  • You can use the keyboard to interact with the video when it has the focus
    • f for fullscreen
    • Space and k for playing state
    • Left arrow and Right arrow to go ±10s
  • Controls are shown when hovering over the video with a mouse on a desktop and clicking on the video on a mobile device.
  • If the video is playing, controls are shown on mouse hover. They are never hidden when the video is paused unless you are on a mobile device. You can hide controls on a mobile device whenever you want.


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import { assign, enqueueActions, not, raise, setup } from "xstate";
export const videoPlayerMachine = setup({
types: {
events: {} as
| { type: "hover.hovering" }
| { type: "hover.end" }
| { type: "metadata.loaded"; videoDuration: number }
| { type: "time.update"; currentTime: number }
| { type: ""; seekToPercentage: number }
| { type: "time.seeking"; currentTime: number }
| { type: "time.backward" }
| { type: "time.forward" }
| { type: "time.backward.keyboard" }
| { type: "time.forward.keyboard" }
| { type: "play" }
| { type: "pause" }
| { type: "" }
| { type: "toggle" }
| { type: "toggle.keyboard" }
| { type: "canplay" }
| { type: "canplaythrough" }
| { type: "waiting" }
| { type: "play-state-animation.end" }
| { type: "volume.mute.toggle" }
| { type: "volume.set"; volume: number }
| {
type: "animate";
animation: "playing" | "paused" | "backward" | "forward";
| { type: "video.ended" }
| { type: "fullscreen.toggle" }
| { type: "fullscreen.expanded" }
| { type: "fullscreen.exited" }
| { type: "fullscreen.error" },
context: {} as {
videoSrc: string;
videoPoster: string;
currentVideoSrc: string | undefined;
videoDuration: number | undefined;
videoCurrentTime: number;
volume: number;
muted: boolean;
animationActionTimestamp: string;
isTouchDevice: boolean;
input: {} as {
videoSrc: string;
videoPoster: string;
tags: {} as
| "Show loading overlay"
| "Show loader"
| "Show controls"
| "Animate action"
| "Animate playing state"
| "Animate paused state"
| "Animate backward"
| "Animate forward",
actions: {
"Play the video": () => {},
"Pause the video": () => {},
"Set video current time": (_, _params: { seekTo: number }) => {},
"Set video muted": (_, _params: { muted: boolean }) => {},
"Set video volume": (_, _params: { volume: number }) => {},
"Set animation timestamp to now": assign({
animationActionTimestamp: () => new Date().toISOString(),
"Set video fullscreen state": (
_params: { setFullScreen: boolean }
) => {},
guards: {
"Is touch device": ({ context }) => context.isTouchDevice,
id: "Video Player",
context: ({ input }) => ({
videoSrc: input.videoSrc,
videoPoster: input.videoPoster,
currentVideoSrc: undefined,
videoDuration: undefined,
videoCurrentTime: 0,
muted: false,
volume: 1,
animationActionTimestamp: "",
* The window is undefined during server-side rendering.
* The state machine will be started from zero when the component will be hydrated client-side
* so we can just fake the value on the server.
typeof window !== "undefined"
? window.matchMedia("(hover: none)").matches === true
: false,
type: "parallel",
states: {
Video: {
initial: "Stopped",
states: {
Stopped: {
tags: "Show loading overlay",
on: {
play: {
target: "Initial loading",
actions: assign({
currentVideoSrc: ({ context }) => context.videoSrc,
"": {
"Centralize the side effects to run by raising a toggle event.",
actions: raise({
type: "toggle",
"toggle.*": {
target: "Initial loading",
actions: assign({
currentVideoSrc: ({ context }) => context.videoSrc,
"Initial loading": {
initial: "Hide",
states: {
Hide: {
tags: "Show loading overlay",
after: {
500: {
target: "Show",
Show: {
tags: "Show loader",
on: {
"metadata.loaded": {
target: "#Video Player.Video.Ready",
actions: assign({
videoDuration: ({ event }) => event.videoDuration,
Ready: {
type: "parallel",
states: {
Controls: {
initial: "Playing",
states: {
Playing: {
entry: "Play the video",
initial: "Hovering",
states: {
Idle: {
on: {
"hover.hovering": {
guard: not("Is touch device"),
target: "Hovering",
"": {
target: "Hovering",
Hovering: {
tags: "Show controls",
after: {
2_000: {
target: "Idle",
on: {
"": {
guard: "Is touch device",
target: "Idle",
"hover.end": {
guard: not("Is touch device"),
target: "Idle",
"hover.hovering": {
guard: not("Is touch device"),
target: "Hovering",
reenter: true,
on: {
waiting: {
target: "Loading",
pause: {
target: "Paused",
toggle: {
target: "Paused",
"": {
guard: not("Is touch device"),
target: "Paused",
actions: raise({
type: "animate",
animation: "paused",
"toggle.*": {
target: "Paused",
actions: raise({
type: "animate",
animation: "paused",
"time.update": {
actions: assign({
videoCurrentTime: ({ event }) => event.currentTime,
Loading: {
tags: "Show loader",
on: {
canplay: {
target: "Playing",
Paused: {
entry: "Pause the video",
initial: "Showing controls",
states: {
Idle: {
on: {
"": {
guard: "Is touch device",
target: "Showing controls",
"Showing controls": {
tags: "Show controls",
on: {
"": {
guard: "Is touch device",
target: "Idle",
on: {
play: {
target: "Playing",
toggle: {
target: "Playing",
"": {
guard: not("Is touch device"),
target: "Playing",
actions: raise({
type: "animate",
animation: "playing",
"toggle.keyboard": {
target: "Playing",
actions: raise({
type: "animate",
animation: "playing",
on: {
"": {
actions: {
type: "Set video current time",
params: ({ context, event }) => ({
(context.videoDuration! * event.seekToPercentage) / 100,
"time.seeking": {
actions: assign({
videoCurrentTime: ({ event }) => event.currentTime,
"time.backward.*": {
actions: enqueueActions(({ context, enqueue, event }) => {
const updatedVideoCurrentTime = Math.max(
context.videoCurrentTime - 10,
type: "Set video current time",
params: {
seekTo: updatedVideoCurrentTime,
if (event.type.endsWith(".keyboard")) {
type: "animate",
animation: "backward",
"time.forward.*": {
actions: enqueueActions(({ context, enqueue, event }) => {
const updatedVideoCurrentTime = Math.min(
context.videoCurrentTime + 10,
type: "Set video current time",
params: {
seekTo: updatedVideoCurrentTime,
if (event.type.endsWith(".keyboard")) {
type: "animate",
animation: "forward",
"video.ended": {
target: ".Paused",
"volume.mute.toggle": {
actions: [
muted: ({ context }) => !context.muted,
type: "Set video muted",
params: ({ context }) => ({
// Because the assign action is run before this one, the value of the muted property in the context
// is updated.
muted: context.muted,
"volume.set": {
actions: [
volume: ({ event }) => event.volume,
type: "Set video volume",
params: ({ event }) => ({ volume: event.volume }),
Animation: {
initial: "Idle",
states: {
Idle: {},
"Animating playing state": {
tags: ["Animate action", "Animate playing state"],
"Animating paused state": {
tags: ["Animate action", "Animate paused state"],
"Animating backward": {
tags: ["Animate action", "Animate backward"],
"Animating forward": {
tags: ["Animate action", "Animate forward"],
on: {
"play-state-animation.end": {
target: ".Idle",
animate: [
guard: ({ event }) => event.animation === "playing",
target: ".Animating playing state",
actions: "Set animation timestamp to now",
guard: ({ event }) => event.animation === "paused",
target: ".Animating paused state",
actions: "Set animation timestamp to now",
guard: ({ event }) => event.animation === "backward",
target: ".Animating backward",
actions: "Set animation timestamp to now",
guard: ({ event }) => event.animation === "forward",
target: ".Animating forward",
actions: "Set animation timestamp to now",
Fullscreen: {
initial: "Off",
states: {
Off: {
initial: "Idle",
states: {
Idle: {
on: {
"fullscreen.toggle": {
target: "Waiting for acknowledgement",
actions: {
type: "Set video fullscreen state",
params: {
setFullScreen: true,
"Waiting for acknowledgement": {
on: {
"fullscreen.expanded": {
target: "Done",
"fullscreen.error": {
target: "Idle",
"fullscreen.exited": {
target: "Idle",
Done: {
type: "final",
onDone: {
target: "On",
on: {
"fullscreen.expanded": {
target: "On",
description: `The transition is taken when the fullscreen state has been changed without a user action we controled.`,
On: {
initial: "Idle",
states: {
Idle: {
on: {
"fullscreen.toggle": {
target: "Waiting for acknowledgement",
actions: {
type: "Set video fullscreen state",
params: {
setFullScreen: false,
"Waiting for acknowledgement": {
on: {
"fullscreen.exited": {
target: "Done",
"fullscreen.error": {
target: "Idle",
"fullscreen.expanded": {
target: "Idle",
Done: {
type: "final",
onDone: {
target: "Off",
on: {
"fullscreen.exited": {
target: "Off",
description: `The transition is taken when the fullscreen state has been changed without a user action we controled.`,

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